Ministry Area: Local Outreach/Community Partnerships
Frequency: Flexible Schedule, Recurring Opportunities, Set Schedule
Demographics: Adults, Empty Nesters (age 55+), Young Families/Parents
Spiritual Gifts: Encouragement/Exhortation, Faith, Giving, Mercy, Pastor/Shepherd, Serving
Personality: Assisting a leader, Behind the scenes or less visible roles, Group/Team settings - working with others, Highly relational/people oriented roles, Highly task oriented roles, Outgoing, Reserved, Routine and consistent roles, Working alone or with a few others, Working with a variety of people and tasks, Working with people who are different than me, Working with primarily churched people, Working with unchurched people
Skills: Physical Labor, Support Role
Help sort groceries and load them into clients cars. Help direct traffic and check clients in at the parking lot.