Meals for Moms

Ministry Area: Adult Ministry, Care Team

Frequency: Flexible Schedule, Project-based/One-and-Done, Recurring Opportunities

Demographics: Adults, Women, Young Families/Parents

Spiritual Gifts: Serving

Personality: Behind the scenes or less visible roles, Extrovert tendencies, Introvert tendencies, Outgoing, Reserved, Working alone or with a few others, Working with a variety of people and tasks

Skills: Cooking/Kitchen, Hospitality, Support Role


There are many ways to serve in Meals for Moms.

  1. Action Team – Receive notifications of when a mom is in need of a fresh meal and sign up for a time to bless their family with it.
  2. Gift Basket Donations – Contribute to gift baskets for moms.
  3. Freezer Meals – Participate in freezer cooking events to stock meals for moms and care ministry.
  4. Delivery Team – Deliver frozen meals to families.

Click here to sign up.