Funeral Ministry Team

Ministry Area: Care Team

Frequency: Occasional/Special Event

Demographics: Adults, Empty Nesters (age 55+), Men, Women

Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Encouragement/Exhortation, Leadership, Mercy, Pastor/Shepherd, Serving

Personality: Assisting a leader, Behind the scenes or less visible roles, Group/Team settings - working with others, Highly relational/people oriented roles, Highly task oriented roles, Outgoing, Reserved, Variety of tasks, Working alone or with a few others, Working with a variety of people and tasks, Working with primarily churched people, Working with unchurched people

Skills: Connecting/Networking with People, Cooking/Kitchen, Coordinating People, Designing, Group/Team Leadership, Hospitality, Managing People and Teams, Managing Projects and Tasks, Musical, Performing, Planning Logistics, Problem Solving, Support Role, Technology, Welcoming


There are a variety of ways to serve in the event of a funeral.

Kitchen help: preparing food, provide food, setting up dining hall & worship hall, serving, clean-up

Other ways to serve: greeting, soloist, musician, soundboard operator


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