LCCKids Worship Leader

Ministry Area: Children's Ministry

Frequency: 1-2 times per month, 3+ times per month, Set Schedule, Weekly

Demographics: Children (Birth - 5th Grade)

Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Encouragement/Exhortation, Leadership, Serving

Personality: Extrovert tendencies, Highly relational/people oriented roles, Leading and directing, Outgoing, Routine and consistent roles, Working with a variety of people and tasks, Working with primarily churched people

Skills: Group/Team Leadership, Hospitality, Performing, Teaching/Facilitating, Technology


The main goal of the Worship Leader is to create an environment of worship, lifting up Jesus, and leading the kids through a time of joyful and fun singing. The Worship Leader will also celebrate the students by honoring birthdays, provide opportunities for them to give through offering projects.


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