Care Visitation Team

Ministry Area: Care Team

Frequency: Flexible Schedule, Recurring Opportunities

Demographics: Adults, Empty Nesters (age 55+), Homebound (at home or at a care facility), Men, Special Needs, Women, Young Families/Parents

Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Giving, Healing, Mercy, Miracles, Pastor/Shepherd, Prophecy, Serving, Wisdom

Personality: Assisting a leader, Behind the scenes or less visible roles, Highly relational/people oriented roles, Outgoing, Reserved, Working alone or with a few others, Working with a variety of people and tasks, Working with people who are different than me, Working with primarily churched people, Working with unchurched people

Skills: Communicating, Counseling/Listening, Mentoring, Support Role


This role involves visiting people in person, via phone, or virtually. This person care for those that may have an ongoing illness or are limited to their home or care facility.


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