Prepare a Biblical Lens – Part I

September 20, 2020

Over the past 6 months we have been hit with two major issues.  The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has created one of the largest and far-reaching effects on the world. Socially, many people have suffered from the lockdowns and don’t want to submit to the government.  The chasm between political ideologies has only widened and the election year only serves to heighten the intensity.   Later in March, the United States was hit again with intense social unrest that is continuing today.  Certain ideologies such as critical race theory, white privilege, and systemic racism have become household terms.  There are so many voices in our world today talking about all of these issues that really matter in 2020.

But what do we do with these issues as Christ-followers?  How does the Bible teach us to approach these specific issues?  How can we look more like Jesus and disciples of Jesus in this time?

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Prepared Sermon Series