Student Ministry: Grades 6-12

Wednesday Evenings 6:30 - 8:00 pm for all students grades 6-12 (during the school year)
You can expect to have a great time, to meet students your own age, and to learn some practical life lessons from the Bible. Each week we have some sort of activities that are fun and engaging, creating opportunities for you to connect with others and have a great time. The Bible is incredibly relevant for everyday life so we teach from it and spend time in small groups discussing how we can apply it. We have students from our church, other churches, as well as students who don’t have a church, so no matter what your story or situation is, you will fit in just fine at youth group. We would love to have you and students are always encouraged to invite friends. Our Middle and High School are on the same night, at the same time, but once we get started both groups typically are separated and have their own schedule.
Middle School: Grades 6-8
At this age, students are trying to make sense of life and one of the big struggles for them is trying understand how their beliefs about God fit with their everyday life experiences. Our goal at this age is to be teaching foundational truths from God's Word in a way that engages them with the message and helps them understand how those teachings shape their perspectives and their experiences.
High School: Grades 9-12
At this age, students are making the transition from simply knowing about God to being able to know God in a relational way. Over and over in the the gospels about Jesus and his life, we often see a repeated phrase that Jesus uses. Sometimes he is talking specifically to a person, other times a group of disciples, and yet other times great crowds. Jesus continually invites people with a simple statement, "Come, follow me!" This invitation goes beyond simply believing in who he is, but living in relationship with him.

Rooted 412
ROOTED is not youth group, but rather a separate and extended time of intentional training designed to help Middle and High School students establish their faith, rooted in a deeper knowledge of God’s Word. This training is a great resource to help teens grow their personal convictions and faith through a comprehensive Biblical Studies curriculum.

Cory Shreve
Associate Pastor
Parent Resources
Do you need some help navigating technology for teens?
Medical Release Form
This is a printable Medical Release Form for parents/guardians to fill out for events that require additional medical information.
Interested in serving our students?
From hosting a game night to cooking dinner for our kids - there are a number of ways to get involved helping Student Ministry.
Parent Resources
Do you need some help navigating technology for teens?
Medical Release Form
This is a printable Medical Release Form for parents/guardians to fill out for events that require additional medical information.