Get connected, meet people and grow in your walk with Christ.
We were each made for community—to find purpose in that community—and we believe groups are the best way to find YOUR community.

Love Like You Mean It
Type of Group: Married, Engaged, or single
Day and Time: Sundays from 9:00-10:00am
Location: Lake Community Church
Start Date: February 9Description: Love Like You Mean It gives husbands and wives a biblical understanding of what real love looks like in marriage by unpacking the ten attributes of genuine love listed in 1 Corinthians 13. Bob Lepine, marriage and family expert, helps husbands and wives discover that it’s not primarily emotions that define marital love, but actions and decisions that fuel emotions and cause marital love to grow. Every person who is married, would like to be married one day, or wants to understand more about the biblical vision of marriage will find what they’re looking for as they dive deep into Love Like You Mean It.

Leader Information
Brad & Leigha VanderTuin
Wade & Cindy McKittrick
Long-term groups are existing groups that are currently meeting and that are available for new people to join at the beginning of the season or some of them can be joined at any time. They meet throughout the year on schedules set by the group leader with no set endpoint. They may meet weekly or only have certain events at random. It is important to stay connected with your leader for information updates and event changes.

Leader Information
Jon Ries
email the leader
Navigating Faith: Discussions on Faith & Practice
Type of Group: Adults (Men and Women)
Day and Time: Sundays from 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Location: Lake Community Church - Conference Room
Start Date: Ongoing
Childcare: Childcare is not available
Cost: Free
Special Note: Bring your Bible. You may purchase Evangelical Convictions: A Theological Exposition of the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Free Church of America or borrow one of the copies in the Church library.Description: This ongoing group is open for new people to join at any time. This is an interactive class where we study and discuss everything from difficult questions about God and doctrine to Church history and arguments for the Faith. Join us as we discuss and work through the challenging topics and passages together.

Leader Information
Dave DeFoe
email the leader
Study of Matthew
Type of Group: Adults (Men and Women)
Day and Time: Sundays from 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Location: Lake Community Church - Grace Cafe
Start Date: Ongoing
Childcare: Childcare is not available
Cost: Free
Special Note: Bring your Bible.Description: This ongoing group is open for new people to join and will learn with Gospel-centered studies to help you see and cherish the message of God’s grace on each and every page of the Bible.

Leader Information
Dave DeFoe
email the leader
Coffee Connection
Type of Group: Adults
Day and Time: Wednesdays from 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Location: Lake Community Church - Grace Cafe
Start Date: Currently available
Childcare: Childcare is not provided
Cost: Free
Special Note: Coffee and donuts provided.Description: We all need relationships with one another; a place to connect with one another, make new friends and care for one another. Join us on Wednesday mornings for coffee, donuts and genuine conversations about life.

Cory Shreve
Associate Pastor
email Cory
Need a little help?
We do not want finances to be a reason that you cannot participate in a small group. If you need financial assistance to help cover the cost of the materials, contact Pastor Cory prior to registering.
email Pastor Cory
(320) 762-5424