Missions Team

Ministry Area: Global Outreach/Missions

Frequency: 1-2 times per month, Recurring Opportunities

Demographics: Adults

Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Apostleship, Discernment, Encouragement/Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, Giving, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy, Miracles, Pastor/Shepherd, Prophecy, Serving, Wisdom

Personality: Assisting a leader, Behind the scenes or less visible roles, Group/Team settings - working with others, Highly relational/people oriented roles, Highly task oriented roles, Outgoing, Reserved, Routine and consistent roles, Working alone or with a few others, Working with a variety of people and tasks, Working with primarily churched people

Skills: Administrative, Analyzing, Connecting/Networking with People, Evaluating/Assessing, Finances, Motivating, Pioneering, Problem Solving, Promoting, Researching/Learning New Things, Strategic Planning, Support Role, Technology


Serve on the missions team. Pray and maintain contact with supported missionaries, recommendations for budget items, manage missions corner, develop and maintain missions video wall.


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