Baptism is truly a celebration of what Christ has done and is continuing to do in your life. It’s a way to publicly express your faith in Jesus and your desire to live life fully for him. By being immersed in the water you symbolically show your immersion into Christ and your desire for the Holy Spirit to saturate your life.
As you go under the water you demonstrate your identification with Jesus’ death, your desire to die to sin and to be set free from it. When you come up out of the water you identify with the resurrection of Jesus and the new life you have in him. (See Romans 6:3-10)
Adult Baptism:
Maybe you’ve never been baptized, but God is definitely moving in your life, and you’re feeling like this is your time. That is simply awesome! Baptism is one of our favorite things to celebrate and be a part of in your journey with Christ!
Reaffirm Your Baptism:
Maybe you were baptized as a child, but you’re feeling a tug in your heart that you'd like to reaffirm your commitment and make it more personal as an adult.
Let us know if you are considering baptism:
Click the button below and fill out the form to let us know if you are interested in baptism. If you have talked to a staff person already that is great! If you haven't, one will contact you about your next steps after filling out the form.